The CENTRA 8 Meeting and workshop is scheduled for February 22-25, 2025 in Taiwan, the very venue that sparked the connections and partnerships we’ve built over the years. Registration for CENTRA 8 is now open, and the event is calling for submissions.

What is CENTRA?
CENTRA stands for Collaborations to Enable Transnational Cyberinfrastructure Applications and refers to a partnership and evolving framework for collaborations amongst research centers, institutes and laboratories across the world. The founding members of CENTRA are the Advanced Computing and Information Systems (ACIS) laboratory of the University of Florida with support from the National Science Foundation (NSF) of the USA, the National Center for High-Performance Computing (NCHC) of the National Research Laboratories (NARLabs) in Taiwan, and the ASEAN International Virtual Organization (ASEAN IVO) funded by the National Institute of Information and Communications Technologies (NICT) in Japan.

CENTRA Webinar Series
Learn about ongoing and proposed CENTRA transnational collaborative research topics through CENTRA webinars. Webinar presentations include descriptions of specific technical areas or questions where collaborations are desirable. Attendees have the opportunity to follow up with presenters on their interest in engaging in such collaborations. The Global CENTRA Webinars are free and open to all, regardless of whether attendees have been involved in CENTRA member organizations or not.

CENTRA engages international entities in collaborative research activities in several ways. Institutional members provide access to facilities and testbeds to host researchers and enable experimental work. Individual researchers who belong to member institutions, or are invited by these institutions, can participate in CENTRA projects. Current institutional members are ACIS: Advanced Computing and Information Systems laboratory of the University of Florida, USA, AIST: The National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan, NCHC: National Center for High-performance Computing, Taiwan, IU: Indiana University, USA, INESC TEC: The Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science, Portugal, KISTI: Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information, Korea, NICT: National Institute of Information and Communications Technologies, Japan and PRAGMA: Pacific Rim Application And Grid Middleware Assembly (as an invited institutional member). Researchers participating in CENTRA activities are from a growing number of countries which include the following: Indonesia, Japan, Philippines, Portugal, Malaysia, Myanmar, Taiwan, Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam and USA.